The best method, in fact the best thing for skin full stop is Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) - this is where you use oil to cleanse your skin.
Most people start with a 50:50 mix of Extra Virgin Olive Oil : Castor Oil, EVOO is moisturizing where as Castor Oil is cleansing 鈥?some people will use other oils (I personally use nothing but Jojoba oil) and will change the mix to perhaps 75:25 or 25:75 depending on their skin type (i.e. if your skin is dry you would use more EVOO to moisturize), and some will also add essential oils such as lavender or tea tree oil (both help prevent and treat spots) 鈥?one advantage of OCM is that it is totally customisable so if your skin type changes, as it does very often, you can change the mix to suit your skin.
You put the oil onto your face, then take a facecloth that has been into hot water and rung out and put the facecloth onto your face, leave the facecloth on your face for a minute so it is similar to steaming your face to open up your pores, then wipe off the oil 鈥?follow with a toner such as Rosewater to help clean off any small excess oil and tighten your pores after they have been opened by the heat of the facecloth.
Reason it works is because it does not strip your skin of it's natural oils 鈥?when you wash your face with washes or soap it strips the natural oils that help keep your skin healthy and help keep your pores clean, so your skin is not only not as healthy as it should be but your skin also produces a load more oil to make up for all it has lost.
Reason for OCM being so good is not only is it VERY good for your skin, but it is also very customisable, cheap, easy to get a hold of, easy to use, does not support animal testing (as many commercial products do) and does not contain a load of toxic chemicals (as many commercial products do).鈥?/a>How do you get rid of blackheads @ spots even though Ive used creams that don't work?
acid treatment,
poor a liter of pure acid on your face, though it might take away the skin as well, but im sure u will get rid of the blackheads...How do you get rid of blackheads @ spots even though Ive used creams that don't work?
Pro Active
plenty of hot soapy water at least three times a day use a soft scrub type brush then applt witchazle never go to bed with make up on and always splask face with cold water after washing and before applying make up good luck
you gotto squeeze blackheads out im afraid its the only way. once youve done the extraction you should put a little blob of soap on each one then leave it overnight it will dry them out and stop any germs getting in
chop your head off :-)
ASG ';acne social group'; club open want to join?
hi im nick im 14 and i suffer from acne and i know loads of other teenagers like me suffer out there as well so im starting a little acne group u know nothing spechial just a little group that can go on msn once and a while together and each discuss the issue and the best thinsg that work for them so if u wish to join just leave your msn address or yahoo address eathier way and maybe we can help each other and become friends cause i do find it quite ahrd to make frieds now a days cause of my acne so lets fight acne together ASG, join today......thank you
basicly i just want a comfortable peacful nvironment where ppl suffering from acne can be comfortable....
Try a facial sauna,the steam works wonders on blackheads.
You can get facial strips in a pharmacy that remove blackheads, you only have to keep them on for about 10-15 mins and then take them off, you will be able to see the blackheads on the strip once its removed.