Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can you get rid of Blackheads Permanently without using cream?

I have loads on my nose, and i keep washing my face all the time, using soap, then putting blackhead cream on and washing it off like it says. Is there another way to get rid of them forever, without using cream everydayCan you get rid of Blackheads Permanently without using cream?
Not really. I always squeeze them out because the cream never works for me either. Wash your face regularly, and never use makeup that is oil based. Make sure it is hypoallergenic and non pore clogging.Can you get rid of Blackheads Permanently without using cream?
I'm your buddy i put u as my contact 12 hard to believe huh?


no ur a teen it comes and goes be patient dont popem cuz thell come bak up

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