Friday, December 11, 2009

Whiteheads and blackheads on my chin!?

Ok i've had these red bumps on my chin since about the beginning/middle of summer! They keep turning into whiteheads/blackheads. I tried biore strips and i've tried the facial masks but the red bumps are still there! what do i do? Can someone please help me get rid of them once and for all? P.S. I use Neutrogena acne stress control twice a day.Whiteheads and blackheads on my chin!?
using at home/over the counter treatments, don't really help. it's not that much better than using soap and water twice a day.

go to a dermatologist, and get some retin-A prescribed or a topical cream.Whiteheads and blackheads on my chin!?
my friends and i really used this one when we were in college, put a little white school glue on them, let it dry, and then peel. it seems to pull everything out but leaves your skin smooth. good luck

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