Friday, December 11, 2009

My kitty got some black dots under her chin that look like gigantic blackheads.....?

does anyone know what they are???My kitty got some black dots under her chin that look like gigantic blackheads.....?
Hi Nathalie...what you may be witnessing most likely is feline acne. Here's a website that shows photos as well as give detailed description on how it's diagnosed and treated respectively:鈥?/a>My kitty got some black dots under her chin that look like gigantic blackheads.....?
Thank you, that helped and relieved me a lot.... I think my cat got them during the summer when it was very hot and I could see that her food and treats were looking greasier than normal...and I've always used porcelain bowls and she doesn't go outside... ;)))) Report Abuse

fleas or lots of ticks
Feline acne starts as small, oily black plugs in the chin, much like blackheads, which may progress to red, itchy bumps, which may become infected. Treatment varies, but most veterinarians will recommend daily cleaning with an antibiotic soap, followed by a topical ointment, either antibiotic, or anti-fungal. Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed, as well as a scrub with hydrogen peroxide.

Severe cases of feline acne may be difficult to eradicate, so you'll want to take your cat to the veterinarian at the first sign of black spots on the chin. Although cats are not embarrassed by acne, as humans are, the condition is still potentially serious, and not to be ignored.
more than likely, flea poop.
There is a such thing as cat acne. Ask your vet if that is what it is. Because it might be something more serious. But the only way to get rid of Cat acne is to not put your cat food or water in plastic dishes. use metal or glass dishes instead.
It's called feline acne and can be caused by using plastic dishes for food and water. Try putting your cats food in glass bowls and see if it doesn't go away.

Even though washed it seems the plastic can still harbor bacteria which makes the cat ';break out';.
Guess: may be flea larva. Have vet check out.
That's what they are. Cats get acne on their chins. If they open or become reddened they could be eosinophilc granulation which also occurs in that area.
Vet time!

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itchy skin