Saturday, December 5, 2009

What can i do to get rid of blackheads on my chin and nose???

and those nose strip things dont work i have tried themWhat can i do to get rid of blackheads on my chin and nose???
Use Apricot Scrub for blemishes and blackheads. It rolls them all out, trust me.What can i do to get rid of blackheads on my chin and nose???
take a hot bath then squeeze the **** out of your nose and chin then put neosporin on and go to sleep.
i cut mine off with sizors
Exfoliate gently with a washcloth and soap every morning and night. Gently.

Get a regular facial.
Get some facial scrub--I like the St. Ives Apricot. Use it every day in the shower and never go to be without washing your face. Those little scrubby things by Dove and Olay are great for washing your face before bed if you shower in the morning.
Have you tried Clearasil Blackhead Control, its a treatment gel and works for me.
exforliating scrubs
biore works good or proactive
if you get the answer let me know!!!!
I would get an acne facial and they have tools that take out blackheads
This is a fool-proof way to rid you of the blackheads. This is an ancient thing my mother and grandmother used to do. You need to steam your face. Flow scalding hot water into your bathroom sink and put a towel over your head blocking airflow while leaning over the water. Stand there until you can't stand it anymore or it begins to cool off. This will open up your pores. THEN try the nose strips. If that doesn't work, get a wet towel and gently press on your nose and chin until they come out. The other way is to get a facial. They will get everything out!
Definitely break down and get a facial. It's best to get one right before summer and after summer, your skin will really take a beating these next couple of months. Aestheticians are the only ones really qualified to squeeze them out properly without damaging your skin and causing scars. If you don't want to do that try some tea tree oil, you can get it at beautysupply stores, but the Body Shop has the best kind.
Well go get a facial that includes extractions from an esthetician then. That will definitely work.

That's a good thing to do once a month.

Squeezing them yourself could bust blood vessels in your nose.
My Grandma, Mom, and myself have all done this with excellent results.

Wash your face with hot water. Scrub gently with a soft washcloth. Rinse very well with cold water.

The hot water opens the pores, allowing better cleaning. the cold water closes the pores, keeping dirt and oil from clogging them.
gross.....ok. Scrape your nail across them and the will come out...yuck....and them start a healthy face cleaning regimine. Stick to it also. Mary Kaye and Avon have a lot of good stuff for your face. I use Mary Kaye. Starting with the daily cleanser and then every 3 days doing a microderm abrasion kit. Softer skin, less wrinkles, less imperfections like pimples and blackheads.
A black head is caused by pore clogging debris that becomes oxidized and turns black. Black heads can be removed by removing the debris from the pores. Microdermabrasion is great for clearing a blocked pore, although sometimes a more aggressive treatment is necessary to “pull” the debris out of the pore. You will find that a 2 to 3 times a week application of a mask such as the All Clear Deep Cleansing Treatment, the All Clear Sulfur Mask or the clay based Luxuries of the Sea Scrub Masque is effective for drawing the debris out of the pores. Keeping the pores cleared of debris will help prevent future black head problems. You can buy this products in the link below.

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