Friday, December 11, 2009

What should i do, I have blackheads on my chin and nose, and a few pimples on my forehead.?

My skin gets really oily during the day, and i think that's what causes the blackheads.But, it only gets oily in the t-zone. All of my imperfections are in the t-zone. -.- My cheeks are free of imperfection. The pimples on my forehead aren't big or anything, they're small and mostly all are the color of my skin. Although sometimes a few are red. My chin is full of blackheads too. :(((

I don't know what to do! Please help me. What should I do to get rid of all those imperfections?What should i do, I have blackheads on my chin and nose, and a few pimples on my forehead.?
Well make sure you wash your face every morning and every night twice a day. I use Neutrogena i just know it is an orange thingy. Also drink alot of water during the day. After your done washing your face you can always add anything that has vitamin D that will help. Eat healthy foods too, but that does not mean you have to stay away from chips and stuff. Oh yeah! change your pillow cover once every 2 days, i change it every day but what ever. and as for the black heads you can take them off with tweezers or something but I am not really sure if it is such a good idea. i know they will stay there if you do not remove them but eh... it is up to you. I suggest you consult a dermotoligist. but yeah if you follow my first methods you will see changes in a 2 weeks. trust me. proactive did not work for me...What should i do, I have blackheads on my chin and nose, and a few pimples on my forehead.?
Girl, just clean it with some mild soaps with warm water and astringents, it will keep you feel clean and fresh.... otherwise, don't pop it because it will also lead to much danger situation. Just make this a routine in the morning and in the night before you sleep. Use moisturizer and pore strips to peel off your blackheads, and good thing is use warm tea instead of warm water, because chinese have this routine for almost several decades now, also try to boil and drink some tea for much better results.
You should really try pro-active that stuff is really good. I use it and it cleared everything! thats the site you want.
Wash your face, don't scrub it's not good for you. Maybe try getting a facial? That should clear out the black heads, if it's so bad, the esthetician might recommend you see a dermatologist and they might prescribe you some medicine for it.
A good skin cleansing regime will help with the blackheads. Always have a tissue or blotting paper handy to blot oil which contributes to breakouts. I found zinc %26amp; sulphur tablets helped too.
You can try using clay masks as they help remove dirt from deep inside and clear your skin of impurities. More such solutions at
just do want to do and don't listen to people that laugh at you
Get some acne cream.
i hate my skin too. let me know if you figure out a solution.
OMG! Just go through puberty and deal with it! We all had to.
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