Sunday, December 13, 2009

I have sooo many blackheads on my nose..will putting benzoyl peroxide over it get rid of them?

im desperate...i tryed those pore strips but they didn't work at all..they only got like 20% of my blackheads out and then they came back ..I have sooo many blackheads on my nose..will putting benzoyl peroxide over it get rid of them?
yes benzoyl peroxide works. my dermotologist proscribed 20% benzoyl peroxide cream for me along with the Avita gel stuff and it cleared my skin up great. I know the peroxide eliminates blackheads AND whiteheads because i had to use only the peroxide for the first 3 weeks to get my skin acclimated the the medicines because i used to put nothing at all on my face. If you cant see a dermotologist then im sure any OTC cream with a high percentage of benzoyl peroxide will still work, maybe just not as good as a perscription. Hope this helps!I have sooo many blackheads on my nose..will putting benzoyl peroxide over it get rid of them?
Yes, I beleive it will do so. The leading acne care system, Proactiv, has benzoyl peroxide as its major compnent in all of the 3 step products to cure most symptoms of acne. The cleaner, toner, and lotion all have it, but the problem with this active ingrediant is that it dies out your skin very much. I tried Proactiv and it worked well for some time, but then dried out my skin later, causing in even more trouble than before.

All I can say is, use this wisely, and good luck!

ppffft....not for me! I got a wicked lotta them bad boys and I can't for the life of me do a thing about them. No product has worked! I get frustrated and gently squeeze 'em out. They come back like a week later and I gotta do it again. Probably not the best thing to do but whatever.
try exfoliating every chance you get at least twice a day. don't use powder or any kind of face makeup. Try st ives exfoiating creams they are kinda harsh but you can try the setive skin until you get use to them.
Try steaming. Place hot water and put a towel on your head and place your face over the bowl. Make sure it is not so hot that it could burn you. Stay there about 15 minutes and then gently rub dry with a towel.
you could try peroxide...but i find that using straight rubbing alchol works too. if you want a face wash, i recomend St. Ives Apricot Scrub that says it eliminates black heads (there's two types). works wonders.

good luck
If you want to get rid of them you will need to change your diet.Try posting this question in health under natural cures,luck.
well benzoyl makes it scab so not the best idea, i would go to and order the acne kit it worked 4 me!!!
Yea try that it might help.

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